Native American land defender/water protector speaks truth to power at ND gubernatorial debate
October 4, 2016

As reported by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! during the show's Oct. 4th news headlines segment (watch/listen from the 11 minute 43 second mark to the 13 minute 13 second mark), a Native American land defender/water protector (they do not want to be called protestors), opposed to the crude oil Dakota Access Pipeline threatening Standing Rock Sioux Tribe drinking water, ancient sacred and burial sites, etc., disrupted the North Dakota gubernatorial debate last evening.

She compared DAPL's violation of the 1851 treaty between the Sioux and U.S. government -- in the form of desecration of sacred and burial sites on historic tribal lands -- to violation of nuclear weapons treaties, such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Meanwhile, as reported by Goodman, Native American land defenders/water protectors in a large convoy of vehicles non-violently disrupted ongoing construction of the DAPL in North Dakota, as non-Indian protestors in Iowa engaged in non-violent direct action to stop DAPL construction there, resulting in multiple arrests.

Learn more about the Native-led DAPL resistance, and how you can help, at Beyond Nuclear's Human Rights website section.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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