Nuclear Hotseat SPECIAL: U-Chicago Atomic Propaganda Orgy Decoded by Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen & NEIS – Errors, Omissions & Lies, Oh My!
December 8, 2017

[Listen to the full recording of the podcast, here.]

The University of Chicago produced a month-long orgy of pro-nuclear self-congratulations to celebrate the first atomic pile, the chain reaction which started our collective nuclear nightmare.  The events culminated in a Symposium, “Nuclear Reaction,”  held on December 1, 2017, featuring relentless pro-nuclear propaganda.

Nuclear Hotseat was there to cover the events through the eyes of those who know enough to oppose nuclear, along with NEIS-sponsored events presented as a counterbalance.

Hear feedback and perspective on the human toll of the Atomic Age from:

Who Was There for the Pro-Nuclear Self-Congratulations?

Numnutz of the Week (For Nuclear Boneheadedness):

Fireworks?!?  Shaped like a mushroom cloud?!?  Exploded over the site of the first atomic pile, which led to all the rest of the nuclear madness?!?  Someone needs to explain “mixed metaphor” to those numnutz at the U of C!

[Listen to the full recording of the podcast, here.]

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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