Peace Activists Protest Outside White House Calling for Negotiations with N. Korea
August 10, 2017

As reported by Democracy Now!'s morning headlines:

Outside the White House, protesters called Wednesday for the Trump administration to negotiate a solution to the North Korea crisis. Under the so-called freeze-for-a-freeze deal, North Korea would temporarily halt nuclear and missile tests in return for a reduced American military presence in the Korean Peninsula. This is peace activist Medea Benjamin of the group CodePink.

Medea Benjamin: "So we’re here to tell Donald Trump that we want a freeze for a freeze, because if there were a freeze for a freeze, that would open up the space for real negotiations. And that’s what needs to happen."

(See DN!'s full coverage of the N. Korea-U.S. conflict, here.)

Update on August 9, 2017 by Registered Commenteradmin

Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps took part in this rally. His placard read: " 'Just' 100 Nagasaki-Sized Bombs = Nuclear Winter = Global Crop Failures = 2 Billion Starvation Deaths." Medea Benjamin of Code Pink asked Kevin to speak on the microphone to the crowd about the meaning of his sign.

It refered to a study, entitled "Nuclear Famine," by IPPNW/PSR, about the planetary consequences of a hypothetical "nuclear exchange" between India and Pakistan, but the findings extend to "nuclear exchanges" between other countries, such as the U.S. and N. Korea.

The Code Pink action, in front of the White House, took place on August 9th -- the 72nd annual commemoration of the U.S. atomic boming of Nagasaki, Japan.

Nearby the rally, the Proposition One White House vigil stood silent witness. It has called for the abolition of nuclear weapons, for well more than three straight decades.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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