Japanese Residents Urged to Take Cover as North Korea Fires Missile over Japan
August 29, 2017

As reported on Democracy Now! morning headlines:

North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan early Tuesday morning. It was North Korea’s second ballistic missile test in recent days. Millions of Japanese citizens were warned to take cover as the missile flew overhead. This is Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga.

Yoshihide Suga: "We find these repeated threats by North Korea unacceptable and have strongly protested to North Korea in the strongest possible words. We will deal with this through the United Nations Security Council and while working closely in coordination with the United States and South Korea in order to ensure the utmost is done for the safety of our people."

President Trump reiterated that the U.S. might launch a military strike against North Korea, saying in a statement this morning that "all options are on the table." The U.S. and South Korea are currently conducting massive military exercises on the Korean peninsula.

And see DN!'s comprehensive coverage of the N. Korea-U.S. conflict, here.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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