PEACE ACTIVISTS SENTENCED: Three others await judge’s decision
October 22, 2020
Steve Kelly and Patrick O’Neill, two of seven Plowshares peace activists, were sentenced last week almost a year after their trial. Kelly, a Catholic priest, who has already spent 30 months in jail, received a 33 month sentence, with time served. O’Neill was sentenced to 14 months in prison, with credit for several months served.

In June, Liz McAlister was sentenced to time served. The seven broke into the Kings Bay Georgia Trident submarine base on April 4, 2018, where they painted messages of peace and hammered on missile “monuments,” symbolically disarming them. The Plowshares movement has a long history of non-violent acts of civil disobedience against nuclear weapon installations. The remaining three expect to face sentencing in November.
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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