Veterans For Peace Annual Convention Starts Today!
August 2, 2020

Veterans For Peace Annual Convention Starts Today!

Today marks the start of the first-ever Veterans For Peace Online Convention. Taking place from August 2nd-9th, the theme will be "Human Rights over Nuclear Might".

We have so many amazing workshops and plenaries scheduled that we do not want you to miss out!  Make sure to check out our agenda for the week! 

Our Opening Welcome Session begins at 2 pm (e), 1 pm (c), 11am (p) and will start with an acknowledgement of occupied indigenous lands. Then hear from our Executive Director and other VFP leaders, advisors and guests on the intersections of current events with peace work.

Immediately following our opening, our plenary sets the stage for our convention’s focus on nuclear weapons. The Nuclear Plenary will discuss the impacts of the nuclear era from the bombing of Japan to the health and environmental harm of bomb testing.

You do not want to miss out on this year's convention! 


You can register throughout the week and still have access to all the videos!


Virtual Business Meeting / Resolutions & Bylaws

This year's online convention will also include our annual Business Meeting! As this will be our first on-line business meeting, we are working hard to develop a process that works best keeping in mind our desires for openness, transparency, and democracy. 

VFP’s Board of Directors has drafted an agenda and a guideline for this year’s Business Meeting.  (Posted on our website here)  Please keep in mind that all of the previous guidelines were written to guide the process of in-person meetings.  We are trying our best to accommodate these guidelines for an on-line meeting.  There will be a learning curve, and this experience will inform our policies and procedures for future business meetings.

All members are encouraged to register for this year's business meeting, which is separate from our online convention. Registration for the business meeting is FREE.  If your dues are current and you have NOT received the registration link for the business meeting, please contact to be sent the registration link.

Members must be current in their dues to participate. If you wish to update your dues and attend the business meeting please renew your membership BEFORE August 5th.

Check out the proposed resolutions here

You do not need to register for Convention in order to participate in the business meeting, but it is open to active VFP members only. Click the correct button below to renew your membership or join VFP today!

Apply for Financial Assistance

We understand that many of our members have experienced financial hardship in these times. This year we have a reduced Convention registration rate of $75. Additionally, VFP is waiving the convention fee for limited number of VFP members who request assistance. 

Preference will be given to Veterans:

  • Who are already VFP members
  • Students, unemployed, and/or homeless
  • Members of groups underrepresented in VFP, such as women and people of color


Donate to Our Convention Fund

The Veterans For Peace annual convention is online this year and we know that it means we have an amazing opportunity to widen the audience and participation of many newcomers and VFP members that are unable to travel. 

We know that Veterans For Peace represents a community of like minded people and the convention every year provides an opportunity to connect and build with other veterans and allies. It is important that everyone in our community is able to attend. While our convention is greatly reduced in price this year, we know that many will be unable to afford to attend given the current economic and health crisis. With your help we can continue to offer reduced rates and scholarships!


Want to learn more? Check out our full Convention website now!


Veterans For Peace
1404 N. Broadway Blvd.
St. Louis MO 63102

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
See website for complete article licensing information.