Honor Hiroshima & Nagasaki Anniversaries with Action!
July 29, 2021


As the 76th anniversaries of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

approach, we hope you will join us in honoring these solemn days and

in remembering the unprecedented devastation inflicted on the people

living in these two cities. The destruction and death caused by nuclear

weapons is unconscionable, and we are reminded once again that we

must do all that we can to make sure these weapons are never used


At Back from the Brink we are honoring these solemn anniversaries

with action, and we hope you will join us for the following:

  1. War on Thursday August 5th at 1pm ET / 10am PT.  During
  2. these Action Hours, we have been making phone calls to state
  3. and local elected officials encouraging them to sign on to our
  4. letter to the Biden Administration and Congress urging them to
  5. take concrete action toward the goal of nuclear abolition. So far,
  6. we have gotten over 160 elected officials to make their voices
  7. heard, and we’d like to get at least 100 more before we send the
  8. letter.  If you can join us, we will provide you with a training, phone
  9. numbers, and a script, and will be on hand to answer any
  10. questions that come up.

    Join us for our third Action Hour: Calling to Prevent Nuclear

  11. Email your local officials and state legislators on the anniversaries
  12. of the bombings (on August 6th and 9th), and encourage them to
  13. sign on to our letter.  A sample script of the email can be found here,
  14. and you can use this tool to identify your representatives.  (If you
  15. need help or want to verify your officials, feel free to email Alex @ info@preventnuclearwar.org)

The Biden Administration is currently working on their updated Nuclear

Posture Review, which will dictate the country’s nuclear weapons

strategy for the next few years, and unfortunately, it’s looking like a

continuation of the status quo. The Administration is hearing from

defense contractors who want to continue to sell expensive,

dangerous, and unnecessary weapons. However, constituents hold

significant and unique power to influence elected officials.  That’s why

we need your help to demonstrate the enormous grassroots support

for nuclear abolition!

If you are unable to participate in either of these events, you can also

support this effort with a donation to the Back from the Brink campaign,

which can be made here.

As always, thank you for your continued support of this campaign, and

we hope to see you soon!


Back from the Brink Organizers

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
See website for complete article licensing information.