MA Peace Action: Hiroshima Nagasaki 2021 Week is Here - Join an Event Near You or Online
July 31, 2021

Hiroshima Nagasaki Week 2021

Join the events in solidarity with Global Peace Wave 2021!


Dear Kevin,

All told, some two dozen events in solidarity with "global Peace Wave 2021" are taking place this coming week for the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Japan. Find an event close to you here! Tell us about your own event here!


Join any of these diverse commemorations: there will be vigils in Andover, Pittsfield, Springfield, Worcester, Waltham, Walpole, Martha’s Vineyard and beyond. To mark the time the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima Day, the First Baptist Church in Bedford will toll their church bell, and there will be a street theater performance in neighboring Rhode Island. Still others will hold peace walks, and  film screenings, picnics and family activities such as folding and stringing origami cranes.


Attend an online event: one virtual gathering will focus on the campaign to ratify the 2021 Nuclear Ban Treaty here in the U.S. and another will feature Alicia Sanders-Zakre of the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons (ICANW). 


Update: the Arlington screening of "The War Game" is now a hybrid event!


Share art, storytelling and messages of peace directly with viewers in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: A very special pair of memorial ceremonies by the Artists Refuge Repertory Theatre will take place in Jamaica Plain on the eve of Hiroshima Day and via Zoom on the eve of Nagasaki Day.

Whether chalking up the sidewalks in Harvard Square, floating flowers on the water in Fall River or attending a candle boat floating ceremony in Easthampton or Watertown, there are so many opportunities to join these important remembrances -

find an event close to you here! Or better yet, register your own event with us - no matter the size of your event, be a part of global "Peace Wave 2021"!


In peace and solidarity, 


Maryellen Kurkulos

Massachusetts Peace Action

p.s. Don't forget to tell us of your own plans and we'll get the word out!

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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