Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, upcoming events and activities
July 8, 2021

From Leonard Eiger, Communications Coordinator, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action:

...Here's a quick rundown of what Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action will be doing on and around the anniversaries:

  1. The annual Peace Fleet in Seattle's Elliott Bay (the Navy will be in absentia this year) on August 4th.
  2. The Interfaith Peace Walk led by the Nipponzan Miyohoji monks, from Oregon to Bangor/Ground Zero Center, arriving at Ground Zero in time for the weekend events.
  3. Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki; from Testing to Trident: a Call to Action is this year's theme for our August weekend - August 7th, 8th, and 9th, Monday am will be a vigil and nonviolent direct action at the Bangor Trident base. We will also have a large flash mob coordinated with the action (video of the 2019 flash mob here: Planners are lining up a keynote speaker from the Marshall Islands.
  4. We are also finalizing plans for this year's billboard advertisements,
  5. We will run Paid Public Service Announcements again this year in the Kitsap Sun, the newspaper serving the area around Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor. They will run  Sunday, July 25, Friday, August 6, Monday, August 9 and Sunday, August 15. We also ran a PSA on the Ban Treaty on January 22nd. Click here for one of the PSAs we ran last August.
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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