Submit comments to BRC before it slams the door on the public!
December 2, 2010

"STOP MAKING IT!" for starters! And hardened on-site storage for what already exists! While the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (BRC) claims it will remain open to public comment, such as holding a public meeting near Savannah River Site nuclear weapons facility in South Carolina in early January, 2011, we also know from its staff that the BRC is already beginning its "writing sessions" towards a draft report due out by mid 2011. The BRC's final report, on "Plan B" for irradiated nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste management after President Obama's and Energy Secretary Chu's wise cancellation of the dangerous and expensive Yucca Mountain dump proposal, is due out in early 2012. Thus, it is critical for concerned citizens and environmental groups to submit comments to the BRC regarding radioactive waste management policy ASAP. To do so, email the BRC at the following addresses:,, The BRC has posted the video of Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps presenting to the BRC on behalf of 168 national and grassroots groups across the U.S. It is not too late to sign your group, or yourself individually, onto the group statement as an endorser -- simply email Kevin your contact information at Links to the group statement, as well as additional information about the coalition's presentation to the BRC, and background about radioactive waste issues, is posted at Beyond Nuclear's website.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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