Radioactive waste updates: DOE metal "recycling," Mobile Chernobyl on Capitol Hill
February 7, 2013

Feb. 11th is the deadline to comment against the U.S. Department of Energy's proposal to "recycle" radioactive metals, from across the nuclear weapons and national nuclear labs complexes, into the consumer product stream. Learn more and take action.

Also, as reported by Energy and Environment Daily, Mobile Chernobyl legislation is revving its engines on Capitol Hill. The Obama administration wants centralized interim storage for commercial irradiated nuclear fuel by 2021, which would launch unprecedented numbers of high-level radioactive waste shipments onto the roads, railways, and waterways. 

Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps warned, in a letter to the editor in the Washington Post, about these irradiated nuclear fuel transport risks. This came in response to a Post editorial in support of centralized interim storage.

Take action! Contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative. Urge them to block this risky radioactive waste shell game. You can reach their offices via the U.S. Capitol Switchboard, (202) 224-3121.

Contact the White House. Urge President Obama to put the brakes on the Mobile Chernobyls, dirty bombs on wheels, and Floating Fukushimas.

What are the alternatives? Well, we need to stop the generation of irradiated nuclear fuel in the first place. Atomic reactors should be permanently shutdown, their electricity supply replaced with energy efficiency, as well as renewable sources such as wind and solar.

For the wastes which already exist, hardened on-site storage -- endorsed by 170 environmental groups, representing all 50 states -- is an interim measure.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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