Contact White House and Members of Congress -- urge them to put the brakes on unprecedented, high-risk shipment of LIQUID high-level radioactive waste
April 11, 2013

An infrared photo of solid irradiated nuclear fuel being shipped by rail. Liquid high-level radioactive waste could have a similar thermal -- as well as radiological -- "signature," if heat-generating radioactive isotopes are retained in the solution.

[Dr. Gordon Edwards has penned a Resolution Against the Transportation of Liquid [High-Level] Radioactive Wastes.

In just a single week, nearly 50 groups -- including Beyond Nuclear -- have endorsed the resolution.

Dr. Edwards welcomes additional organizations to endorse as well. If your group would like to endorse the resolution, please email your full contact information to Dr. Edwards at]

Unprecedented high-risk shipment of LIQUID high-level radioactive waste approved by Obama White House (April 1 to 5)

Background links on the shipment of LIQUID high-level radioactive waste, containing HEU, from Chalk River, Ontario to SRS, USA (ongoing updates, check back for new entries as time goes on)

Please contact President Obama, your U.S. Senators, and your U.S. Representative, and urge them to stop this unprecedented high-risk shipment of liquid HLRW! You can be patched through to your Members of Congress via the U.S. Congressional Switchboard at: (202) 224-3121. President Obama can be contacted by calling the White House at 202-456-1111, writing him online via the White House web form, or writing him at: President Obama; The White House; 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; Washington, DC 20500.
Beyond Nuclear urged members of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to question President Obama's nominee for Energy Secretary, Ernest Moniz, about this issue during his April 9th confirmation hearing.
Update on May 22, 2013 by Registered Commenteradmin

Dr. Gordon Edwards has penned a Resolution Against the Transportation of Liquid [High-Level] Radioactive Wastes.

In just a single week, nearly 50 groups -- including Beyond Nuclear -- have endorsed the resolution.

Dr. Edwards welcomes additional organizations to endorse as well. If your group would like to endorse the resolution, please email your full contact information to Dr. Edwards at (The resolution is not for individual signatories at present. However, Dr. Edwards encourages individuals to seek the permission of groups to which they belong -- places of worship, civic organizations, etc. -- to endorse the resolution. And as he encourages below, individuals can also contact their own elected officials.)

As Dr. Edwards has written:

Your support will be crucial in our collective efforts to prevent the transport of 23,000 litres (over 6000 US gallons) of high-level waste in liquid form from Chalk River Laboratories (CRL) in Ottawa to the Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina. (See map [above left] -- but please note that the exact route and timing of the armed shipments will be kept absolutely secret.)

The Age of Nuclear Power is rapidly waning, but the Age of Nuclear Waste is just beginning in earnest. Please contact your elected representatives and alert them to the dangers of political inaction at this critical time.

Steps must be taken to protect the health and safety of people and the environment. Nuclear waste materials must be kept off our roads and waterways. These dangerous materials must be dealt with on-site and kept securely isolated from the environment of living things.


Gordon Edwards, Ph.D., President, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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