NRC nuke waste con game status update Jan. 29; Final EIS & Rule delayed to Oct. 3
January 23, 2014

Environmental coalition members from the Crabshell Alliance, Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Campaign, NIRS, PSR, NEIS, and Public Citizen "just say NO!" at the NRC HQ nuke waste con game public comment meeting on 11/14 in Rockville, MD. Photo credit David Martin and Erica GreyThe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Nuclear Waste Confidence Directorate will hold a public teleconference update on the status of its so-called "Nuclear Waste Confidence" Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS) at 1:30 PM on Wednesday, January 29th. See the NRC notice for details on how to call-in.

The NRC has also just announced that its finalization of the Nuclear Waste Confidence EIS, and Final "Waste Confidence" Rule, has been postponed until October 3, 2014. The month-long delay reflects the federal government shutdown of October, 2013. The NRC press release also reported that the agency received more than 33,000 written comments on the DGEIS.

Those include comments submitted by Beyond Nuclear, by a coalition of environmental groups (including Beyond Nuclear), and by a coalition of state attorneys general, as well as the Prairie Island Indian Community.

Thank you to all our supporters who responded to Beyond Nuclear's regular alerts, and submitted comments to NRC either orally at public meetings across the country, or in writing by the December 20, 2013 deadline.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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