SAMPLE COMMENTS TO DOE ON "CONSENT" for 11:59pm Eastern, Sunday, July 31st public comment deadline
July 21, 2016

Mary Olson, Director of NIRS Southeast Office, has compiled this collection of sample comments you can use to write your own, for submission to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by its 11:59pm Eastern deadline for public comments regarding so-called "Consent-Based Siting" of centralized interim storage (de facto permanent parking lot dumps), permanent burial sites, and the Mobile Chernobyl truck, train, barge shipments on the roads, rails, and waterways through most states it would take to move the waste there:

Joel Masser shared the following two ideas:

---consent must be defined in terms of a fully informed electorate and a vote of the people;

---siting must ensure environmental justice by complying with Executive Order 12898 and
the Department of Energy's own formal environmental justice policy.

The SEED Coalition in Texas (the Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition, a lead group fighting the parking lot dump targeted at Waste Control Specialists, LLC in Andrews County, West Texas, on the New Mexico border) prepared the following comments, viewable here at this link.

The North American Water Office (long-time watchdogs on Minnesota's atomic reactors, and on-site radioactive waste storage, at Monticello and Prairie Island) submitted these comments to DOE after the meeting in Minneapolis.

Pilgrim Watch in Massachusetts prepared these comments for the meeting in Boston.

Two sets of sample comments, not attributed to a particular author, are posted here: set #1; set #2.

In addition to Mary Olson at NIRS's compilation, the following comments have been circulated by their authors, to help others prepare their own comments by the deadline:

---Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety in Santa Fe, NM, presented these comments to DOE at the "Consent-Based Siting" meeting in Sacramento, CA on April 26th (ironically timed, being the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophically);

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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