Seven down, two to go: DOE so-called "Consent-Based Siting" meetings
July 5, 2016

DOE's new "truth in advertizing" logo?!Seven down: Washington, D.C., Jan. 20; Chicago, March 29; Atlanta, April 11; Sacramento, April 26 (Chernobyl+30 years); Denver, May 24; Boston, June 2 (see Democracy Now! coverage, mentioning Beyond Nuclear!); Tempe, AZ, June 23.

Two to go:

Speak now (before the July 31 deadline for public comments), or forever hold your peace, regarding Mobile Chernobyls through a town near facto permanent parking lot dumps for high-level radioactive waste...and permanent burial dumps for high-level radioactive waste on scientifically unsuitable, socially unacceptable, and/or environmentally unjust (radioactively racist) locations!

Update on July 7, 2016 by Registered Commenteradmin

On July 7th, DOE issued the following standardized announcement re: the Boise meeting:

On Thursday, July 14th, the Department of Energy will host a public meeting in Boise on designing a consent-based process to site facilities needed to manage our nation’s nuclear waste. The Department is seeking diverse viewpoints to strengthen the design of its consent-based siting process. We hope to hear from you on issues such as:

·         fairness

·         models and experience to draw from

·         the roles of communities, states, Tribal Nations, and others in consent-based siting

·         information and resources needed to achieve informed consent

·         other perspectives and values the Department should consider

Ultimately, based on your input, the Department will design a proposed process for developing a site, which will in turn serve as a framework for collaborating with potential host communities in the future.

The public meeting will be held at the Boise Center from 5:00 PM until 9:30 PM Mountain Daylight Time. Registration is encouraged in order to assist our logistics planning. To register, please visit this registration page. Those unable to attend in person can view the meeting online through a live webcast. For more information, please visit our website at

We look forward to your participation and hope to see you in Boise!

John Kotek

Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy

U.S. Department of Energy

[See DOE's Agenda and Flier for the Boise meeting, which were attached to the email announcement.]

Update on July 7, 2016 by Registered Commenteradmin

Also on July 7th, DOE issued the following standardized announcement re: the Minneapolis meeting:

On Thursday, July 21st, the Department of Energy will host a public meeting in Minneapolis on designing a consent-based process to site facilities needed to manage our nation’s nuclear waste. The Department is seeking diverse viewpoints to strengthen the design of its consent-based siting process. We hope to hear from you on issues such as:

·         fairness

·         models and experience to draw from

·         the roles of communities, states, Tribal Nations, and others in consent-based siting

·         information and resources needed to achieve informed consent

·         other perspectives and values the Department should consider

Ultimately, based on your input, the Department will design a proposed process for developing a site, which will in turn serve as a framework for collaborating with potential host communities in the future.

The public meeting will be held at the Hilton Minneapolis from 5:00 PM until 9:30 PM Mountain Daylight Time. Registration is encouraged in order to assist our logistics planning. To register, please visit this registration page. Those unable to attend in person can view the meeting online through a live webcast. For more information, please visit our website at

We look forward to your participation and hope to see you in Minneapolis!

John Kotek

Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy

U.S. Department of Energy

[See DOE's Flier for the Minneapolis meeting; an Agenda was not attached to the email announcement.]

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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