Nuclear Hotseat Special: Congress Meets Hard Nuclear Decommissioning Truths
July 25, 2018

Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps (left), with Ian Zabarte of the Native Community Action Council, at the "Zero Hour" youth climate march on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., Saturday, July 21, 2018. Photo by Galen Tromble.

Two Days with Congress: DC Briefing, Education/Lobbying on Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants

This Week’s Featured Interviews:

LINK to Briefing Presser:
Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants:
What Congress, Federal Agencies and Communities Need to Know

Great, clear, concise overview of the issues.  Excellent educational tool to be used by ANY citizens group that lives near a nuclear reactor that is or will be going through decommissioning. 

LINKS to Background Materials and Powerpoint Slides:

VIDEO of the Congressional Briefing Livestream:


Many thanks to the organizations active in the coalition that put together this event together: Beyond Nuclear, Clean Water Action New Jersey, Ecological Options Network, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS), Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), Riverkeeper, Safe Energy Rights Group, Unity for Clean Energy (U4CE), Western Shoshone Nation, and many others.  With thanks for their invaluable support to EEIS – Environmental and Energy Study Institute and media representative Steve Kent.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
See website for complete article licensing information.