East Hampton, NY will go 100% renewable by 2020
September 26, 2016

Beyond Nuclear board member and journalist, Karl Grossman, describes the exciting plans for East Hampton, NY to become powered by 100% renewable energy by 2020:

East Hampton Town Supervisor Larry Cantwell sat back the other day and spoke with satisfaction about the town’s plan to have 100% of its electricity come from renewable energy—safe, clean, green power—by 2020. That’s just four years away! 

After the East Hampton Town Board in 2014 unanimously adopted a resolution to have all the town’s electricity come from renewable sources, Mr. Cantwell said: “Making the switch to clean energy is just the right thing to do, both for the environment and for keeping more money in the local economy and creating jobs here.”

At East Hampton Town Hall recently he commented: “We’re doing it!”

East Hampton is to meet its 100% renewable energy goal through solar energy, from panels on town-owned land and rooftops, and from wind energy from off-shore wind turbines like those Deepwater Wind is now completing east of the town in the ocean near Block Island.  Read the full article.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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