




The Renewable Energy Renaissance

The real Renaissance is in renewable energy whose sources could meet 25% of the nation's energy needs by 2025. Renewable technologies can help restore political and economic stability as well as save money…and the planet.



The U.S. just hit a major milestone for energy storage — which is also great news for solar


Three US cities in 100 now powered 70% or more by renewables

More than 100 cities around the world now get at least 70% of their electricity from renewable sources such as hydro, geothermal, solar and wind, says a new report from CDP who "expect to see even more cities targeting a clean energy future. Cities not only want to transition to renewable energy but, most importantly - as our data shows - they can." There are three US cities on the list, Burlington, VT, Eugene, OR and Seattle, WA. Brazil had by far the highest representation with 47 cities.


White House seeks 72 percent cut to clean energy research, underscoring administration’s preference for fossil fuels [and nuclear!]

As reported by Chris Mooney and Steven Mufson in the Washington Post.

The article reports that the Trump administration's proposed cuts this year, are significantly deeper than the ones last year, and that:

One person familiar with the negotiating process, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely describe what the person had learned, said that the budget request had been lowered after negotiations with the Office of Management and Budget, and may have been lowered further because of a desire to channel more funding toward nuclear energy, a favored subject for Energy Secretary Rick Perry (emphasis added)

The article concludes:

The renewable and efficiency programs represent about 7 percent of the Energy Department’s overall budget. The majority of the department’s budget goes to maintaining the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile and cleaning up sites contaminated by federal nuclear programs. (emphasis added)


Moapa tribal leader who led charge against coal plant, championed first large-scale solar plant on tribal land, dies at 44

As reported by the Las Vegas Sun.

As the article reports:

Anderson became one of the youngest chairmen ever when he took over at age 26. During his second term as chairman he helped change the energy and environmental landscape of the Southwest.

The Moapa Pauite reservation is near Las Vegas, NV.

Yucca Mountain, NV -- targeted for a national high-level radioactive waste dump -- is sacred to not only the Western Shoshone Indian Nation, but also to the Southern Paiute.


Trump's Assault on Solar Masks an Epic Crisis in the Nuclear Industry

Subtitled Like nearly everything else Trump does, the hike in duties makes no rational sense," this article by Harvey Wasserman was first published in The Progressive, and reprinted at Common Dreams.

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