Beyond Nuclear watchdogs Davis-Besse Shield Building cracking at NRC ACRS meeting
November 5, 2015

Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps attended the Nov. 4, 2015 meeting of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) at the agency's headquarters in Rockville, MD. Grassroots watchdogs from across the country, including in southern CA, Philadelphia, Chicago, southeast MI, Toledo, and beyond, also phoned in.

(See the Beyond Nuclear website entry immediately below, for more background information on this meeting and subject matter. And see the website entry immediately above, for Dave Lochbaum of UCS's insights on Davis-Besse Shield Building cracking.)

FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) brought a large team of Davis-Besse engineering staff and executive management officials, as well as public relations directors and attorneys. FENOC presented a power point. (FENOC back up slides, referred to during the meeting, and even projected onto the screen in the room, have not been provided to the public. They were neither available to pick up in hardcopy form in the room during the meeting, nor were they emailed out to the public by the NRC ACRS point of contact.)

NRC staff also presented a power point, and had back up slides. A very large number of NRC staff were also present at the meeting.

Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps has prepared notes/commentary/analysis, regarding the ACRS meeting, as well as regarding the FENOC and NRC power point slides posted above.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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