Entergy Nuclear's Palisades atomic reactor, located in Covert, MI on th Lake Michigan shore of s.w. MI.As reported by NBC 5 Chicago investigative reporter Chris Coffey, concerned residents of the region and environmental group representatives aren't buying the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's and Entergy's claims that the Palisades atomic reactor is safe and secure. Coffey interviewed Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps, who stated that the problem-plagued Palisades should have been permanently shutdown a very long time ago.
And yet, the NRC is complicit in allowing Entergy to run it into the ground, with vitally needed safety repairs apparently permanently postponed.
Rebecca Thiele at WMUK (NPR radio) also quoted Kevin.
Alex Mitchell at the Kalamazoo Gazette/MLive, and WWMT (TV 3 Kalamazoo), also reported on this story.
On April 29th, NRC published a very basic summary of what happened at the meeting. No notes nor transcript was taken. All NRC's "summary" includes are the broad strokes of the meeting (mentioning the open house, NRC presentation, Entergy presentation, and public comment session), and then attaches the sign in sheets. The sign in sheets document how many of its own employees Entergy turned out, pep rally session, in an attempt to monopolize the microphone during the public comment session. However, the concerned citizens and environmental group representatives present in the room more than held their own.
The entire Entergy pep rally circus called to mind the famous quote from Upton Sinclair: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
However, NRC's "meeting summary" cover letter does provide links to Entergy's and NRC's own slides from their presentations at the meeting.