





Tritium is radioactive hydrogen and is widely used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons. It is also found int the discharge water of nuclear reactors.


Entries from February 1, 2010 - February 28, 2010


Harvey Wasserman weighs in on Vermont Yankee tritium leaks

Long time nuclear power critic Harvey Wasserman's most recent writing focuses on Vermont Yankee's tritium leaks, and its implications for the "nuclear renaissance." A choice quote: "Indeed, a desperate national industry now pushing for massive federal subsidies to build new reactors may not survive a flood of elderly clunkers being forced to close by the weight of their own contamination. "This is an industry trying to build a new fleet of Titanics while the old ones are sinking," says Katz." [Deb Katz, of Citizens Awareness Network, who resides nearby Vermont Yankee.]


Tyson Slocum of Public Citizen debates William Tucker of "Terrestrial Energy" about Vermont Yankee

Tyson Slocum (pictured at left), director of Public Citizen's Energy Program, went head to head with William Tucker, author of Terrestrial Energy: How Nuclear Power Will Lead the Green Revolution and End America's Energy Odyssey, debating the pros and cons of the Vermont Yankee atomic reactor in particular, and nuclear power in general. WCAX tv aired a report on the debate, as the Vermont State Legislature debates whether or not to grant Vermont Yankee a 20 year license extension, as it leaks large concentrations of radioactive and carcinogenic tritium into groundwater that flows into the Connecticut River. A podcast of Slovum v. Tucker is also available at Vermont's WDEV radio's Mark Johson Show.

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