Areva employee on NAS uranium mining panel
November 10, 2010

The National Academy of Sciences has now chosen panelists for a study which will be used by the Virginia General Assembly to determine whether uranium mining should be permitted in the state. Concerned citizens asked for the removal of an Areva employee, but their request was denied. Areva runs uranium mines in Niger and, therefore, has a vested interest in uranium mining expansion.

The first meeting to vet the conflicts of interest of the panelists was on October 26-27, 2010. The second meeting will take place November 15 and 16. There will be another meeting in the Virginia target community December 13-15. Some sessions are closed. For meeting information and updates, go here.

Future meetings are planned for Saskatchewan and Colorado, specific places to be determined. While this study claims to be assessing just uranium mining in Virginia, citizens fear the results of this study could be used for other potential uranium mining sites.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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