Secretive, unprecedented, risky shipments of liquid HLRW from Canada to U.S. raise concerns -- take action!
March 6, 2014

Peace Bridge between Fort Niagara, ON and Buffalo, NY is one of numerous border crossings where unprecedented liquid HLRW shipments could travel.As reported by the Welland Tribune, unprecedented shipments of liquid high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) have not yet begun to roll from Ontario, across at the New York State border crossings, and down the East Coast to Savannah River Site, South Carolina. Even when they do roll, local, regional, and state emergency preparedness officials will not be informed till afterwards, if at all. This begs the question -- what if the worst happens? Will emergency responders even know how to handle the situation?

An article in the Investigative Post has revealed numerous concerns about the liquid HLRWs traveling over the Peace Bridge between Fort Niagara, Ontario, and Buffalo, New York.


Barbara Warren, Executive Director of Citizens' Environmental Coalition in Albany, NY has prepared an action alert, attached to a backgrounder prepared by environmental attorney Terry Lodge of Toledo, OH. Resistance to these shipments has been expressed by a growing coalition in the U.S. and Canada, including such groups as the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Beyond Nuclear and Nuclear Information and Resource Service. The action alert and backgrounder describe the potential need for a grassroots citizen legal challenge under the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act against these hastily proposed shipments.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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