Great Lakes Groups Question Newly Discovered Radioactive Waste Shipments from Illinois through Great Lakes Region
August 3, 2018

Deadly fuel would move from LaSalle nuclear reactors through Port Huron, Michigan.

See the press release issued by Beyond Nuclear, Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes, Don't Waste Michigan, Great Lakes Environmental Alliance (GLEA), Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS), and Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS).

Update on August 11, 2018 by Registered Commenteradmin

The Detroit Free Press has reported on this story.

The Times-Herald editorialized against the shipment. Port Huron's newspaper has also reported on this story, extensively quoting Kay Cumbow of Great Lakes Environmental Alliance (GLEA).

Loud & Clear on Radio Sputnik International also interviewed Beyond Nuclear about this story, at the top of this week's "Beyond Nuclear with Kevin Kamps" episode:
Sputnik International News also did a write up based on the interview and press release. (Please note a correction however. The first leg of the shipment, from LaSalle, IL to Port Huron, MI, will be by truck, along interstate highways. Once at Port Huron, however, it is unclear whether the shipment will continue on into Canada by land (truck or train), or by water (barge).)
Update on August 16, 2018 by Registered Commenteradmin

MLive/Kalamazoo Gazette has also reported on this story.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
See website for complete article licensing information.