Beyond Nuclear testifies before Congress against Mobile Chernobyl, Yucca, and parking lot dumps
October 1, 2015

Detailed maps showing DOE's proposed Yucca dump bound high-level radioactive waste rail shipping routes in downtown Chicago.Beyond Nuclear's radioactive waste watchdog, Kevin Kamps, was invited as a witness at a hearing on "Transporting Nuclear Materials," held by the U.S. House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Committee, Environment and the Economy Subcommittee on Oct. 1st. See the hearing description, with links to the witnesses' written testimony, as well as a video recording of the hearing, here.

Learn more about the hearing, including links to Kevin's introductory remarks and full written testimony, at Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste website section. You can also see a backgrounder, prepared by Beyond Nuclear and Nuclear Energy Information Service of IL, about DOE's plans to ship high-level radioactive waste by rail into the heart of downtown Chicago (see map, left). And last but not least, learn what you can do to help stop the Mobile Chernobyl, by taking action action NRC's attempt to revive the cancelled Yucca dump. More.

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