Beyond Nuclear's public comments to NRC re: Yucca Mountain Licensing Support Network re-activation
August 26, 2017

On August 25th, Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste Watchdog, Kevin Kamps, submitted comments to Dr. Andrew L. Bates, Advisory Committee Management Officer, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in Washington, D.C., re NRC's Memoranda:  “STAFF REQUIREMENTS – COMSECY-17-0019 – YUCCA MOUNTAIN PROJECT ACTIVITIES” and NRC LSN [Licensing Support Network] info. memo dated August 11, 2017. The subject of the public comments was YUCCA MOUNTAIN LICENSING SUPPORT NETWORK (LSN), and was submitted by NRC's objectionably short deadline, under protest. See Beyond Nuclear's comments, here.

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