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Case Study: The children of Illinois – an unfolding story

In Illinois – the state with the most nuclear reactors (11) in the country – Beyond Nuclear has been tracking disturbing cancer incidences and other health abnormalities - especially among children – around the Braidwood and Dresden nuclear reactors.

At Braidwood, dozens of known tritium leaks and spills hidden from the public for more than a decade have contaminated area groundwater and seeped into private wells. This has prompted concern about health effects, including cancer “clusters.” Yet the owner – Exelon – and government officials downplayed the potential harm of ingesting tritium despite the fact that prolonged exposure to even low doses of tritium are known to cause cancers and birth defects.

Around Dresden, also owned by Exelon, there has been an unexplained increase in rare childhood brain cancers, heart ailments and birth defects, in most cases proving fatal. Dresden had also leaked tritium into drainage ditches and is listed by the NRC as having the highest airborne radioactive emissions in the country.

Families around every nuclear power plant could face similar risks. That is why Beyond Nuclear will work to bring these stories to national media attention. Every family has the right to make informed choices about their environment and health.

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