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"Regulators should begin decommissioning the Palisades Nuclear Plant"

NRC file photo of Palisades atomic reactor

Mark Muhich, a Jackson County resident and chairman of the Central Michigan Group of the Sierra Club, has published a column by the title above at the Jackson Citizen Patriot/MLive. Muhich concluded his column:

"It is time to decommission the crumbling Palisades nuclear facility. Decommissioning will take a decade, and employ thousands of workers. It will also cost $1 billion. The electricity it generates can be made up with efficiencies. Entergy operates six of the oldest most poorly maintained nuclear plants in the county. The NRC should hold Entergy to a stricter standard of safety, not a more relaxed standard. The NRC should begin the decommissioning of Palisades."

But quite to the contrary, NRC rubberstamped Palisades' 20 year license extension in 2007, despite widespread environmental opposition not only in Michigan but throughout the Great Lakes basin.