Yucca Mountain

Yucca Mountain, the Nevada-based, scientifically flawed and politically unjust proposed high-level radioactive waste repository has now been canceled. However, pro-nuclear forces in Congress have not abandoned Yucca and funding is still allocated to the project.


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Letter Urging Opposition to Nuclear Waste Bill, H.R. 3053

As posted at the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) website:

May 07, 2017

One hundred and sixty-seven (167) groups including the Natural Resources Defense Council sent a letter to the House of Representatives urging them to oppose the “Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017.” This bill would ignore environmental concerns, states’ rights and consent to host the waste in the first instance, and attempts to truncate public review in order to force a “solution”―either Yucca Mountain or a new consolidated interim storage site―that have both proved to be unworkable.

[Download the 6 page PDF, here.]

Beyond Nuclear has been honored and privileged to work with NRDC in circulating this letter for sign on's.


Very urgent action alert: Shimkus Mobile Chernobyl/Screw NV/nuke waste "parking lot" dump bill -- U.S. House floor vote likely next week! SIGN GROUP LETTER ASAP! Flood Congress with calls!

Action alert sent by Beyond Nuclear on May 1st:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We have learned from the Sierra Club that there is a good chance that U.S. Representative John Shimkus's (Republican-Illinois) bill, H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 2018, will very likely go to the U.S. House floor for a vote next week.

H.R. 3053 has officially popped up on the Rules site now, so unless something changes (which isn’t impossible), we’ll be seeing a vote next week. Probably Wednesday, May 9th or Thursday, May 10th.

Please act ASAP to help stop this dangerously bad bill!  Both groups and individuals can take action.

An environmental coalition of 120+ organizations sent a letter to the U.S. House last October, urging opposition to H.R. 3053. The letter will be sent one more time, early next week, so please act fast. There is still time to sign your group on if you haven't already, but do so by close of business Eastern time Friday, May 4th. Please remember that NRDC's Washington, D.C. office is on Eastern time, so those in other time zones, please act ASAP! (Check to see if your group has already signed on -- the full letter, and current list of signatory groups, is in italics below).

To sign your organization on if you haven't already, please fill out and and submit this Google form, or else directly email Sean Alcorn at Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) your name, title, organization name, city and state. 

Individuals, please contact your own U.S. Rep., and urge them to oppose H.R. 3053. Sierra Club has a webform you can fill out and submit to your U.S. Rep. SEED Coalition of Texas has launched a CREDO petition you can sign. You can also phone your U.S. Rep.'s D.C. office, via the Capitol Switchboard, at (202) 225-3121, by following the instructions. Or you can look up your U.S. Rep.'s direct contact info. here, by entering your zip code, clicking the FIND YOUR REP BY ZIP button, and following the links.

(What's the alternative to such a dangerously bad bill as H.R. 3053? Beyond Nuclear has joined with hundreds of groups, representing all 50 states, to long advocate for Hardened On-Site Storage (HOSS), as close to the point of generation as possible. HOSS is a needed safety and security upgrade, an interim alternative to such dangerously bad schemes Shimkus's Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018. The bill would launch Mobile Chernobyls on roads and rails through 44 states, many major cities, and 330 of the 435 U.S. congressional districts, bound for dumping on Western Shoshone Indian land at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. It could also launch Floating Fukushima barge shipments on surface waters in many states, including on the Great Lakes! As well as the California coast! Just to name a couple examples.).

The bill also authorizes the targeting of southeast New Mexico (Holtec International/Eddy-Lea Energy Alliance), west Texas (Waste Control Specialists, LLC), and perhaps other locations (such as Dresden nuclear power plant/General Electric-Morris Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation in Morris, Illinois, as but one more example), for so-called "centralized or consolidated interim storage facilities," a.k.a. "monitored retrievable storage sites," in the near term ( beginning in the early 2020s). East to West shipments, as to New Mexico and/or Texas, would follow similar to identical truck, train, and/or barge routes as those to Yucca, especially the further east you look.

Each of these schemes would violate basic criteria for safe, sound radioactive waste management: scientific site suitability; consent-based siting; environmental justice; regional equity (East dumps on West -- 90% of reactors, and waste, are in the eastern half of the country; 75% are east of the Mississippi River); and legality (violation of U.S.-Western Shoshone Indian Nation "peace and friendship" Treaty of Ruby Valley of 1863, equal in stature to the U.S. Constitution itself, as the supreme law of the land). These dangerously bad nuke waste dumps, and their high-risk shipping schemes, must be stopped!

Thank you for taking action, and spreading the word far and wide ASAP (please share this action alert with your networks)!

To learn more about why H.R. 3053 is a dangerously bad idea, see Beyond Nuclear's Yucca Mountain burial dump, de facto permanent surface storage parking lot dump, and radioactive waste transport risk website sections. If you have taken action already, thank you very much. Please consider spreading the word as widely as possible, given the grave risks and high stakes!


Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist, Beyond Nuclear & board member, Don't Waste Michigan


Dear Representative:

On behalf of our millions of members, the undersigned organizations urge you to oppose H. R. 3053, the “Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017” (115th Congress, 1st Session). This bill will put our nation’s nuclear waste storage policy on the wrong track yet again. It ignores environmental concerns, states’ rights and consent to host the waste in the first instance, and attempts to truncate public review in order to force a “solution” – either Yucca Mountain or a new consolidated interim storage site – that have both proven to be unworkable. Rather than blindly charge forward at the cost of public safety and public resources, we urge Congress to reject this bill and start the important and necessary work on a comprehensive set of hearings to commence building a publicly accepted, consent based repository program.

The bill you will vote on retains the flaws contained in its earlier forms. Some of these harms include unwise efforts to recommence the licensing process for proposed repository at Nevada’s Yucca Mountain. This is a project certain to fail the NRC’s licensing process due to the geology and hydrology of the site that make it unsuitable for isolating spent nuclear fuel for the required time. Next, the draft legislation suggests going forward with a consolidated storage proposal before working out the details of a comprehensive legislative path to solve the nuclear waste problem, entirely severing the link between storage and disposal, and thus creating, an overwhelming risk that an interim storage site will determine or function as de facto final resting place for nuclear waste. The draft provides no safety, environmental or public acceptance criteria, only speed of siting and expense. This is precisely the formula that produced the failure of the Yucca Mountain process and made it, as the previous administration noted, “unworkable.”

Other provisions conflict with the well-established and necessary requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §4321, et seq. Doing so exacerbates the public interest community’s (and that of Nevada) objection of the last two decades – that the process of developing, licensing, and setting environmental and oversight standards for the proposed repository has been, and continues to be, rigged or weakened to ensure that the site can be licensed, rather than provide for safety over the length of time that the waste remains dangerous to public health and the environment. 

This bill was largely changed for the worse in committee. The bill now sets us on path to go forward in the next few years with a consolidated storage proposal before working out the details of a comprehensive legislative path to solve the nuclear waste problem and, frankly, creates an overwhelming risk that an interim storage site in New Mexico, Utah, or even Texas (although the Texas site just requested that its license application be held in abeyance) will be the de facto final resting place for nuclear waste.


This will not work. It is likely those states will, in some form or another, resist being selected as the dumping ground for the nation’s nuclear waste without a meaningful consent based process and regulatory authority that garners both public acceptance and a scientifically defensible solution. Further, and also just as damning, it sets up yet another attempt to ship the waste to Yucca Mountain irrespective of its certain likelihood of failing the regulatory process, or seek to revive the licensed Private Fuel Storage site that has been strongly opposed in Utah or even open up New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) facility for spent nuclear fuel disposal despite strong opposition and contrary to 25 years of federal law. The latter site also was designed and intended for nuclear waste with trace levels of plutonium, not spent fuel (and we note, a site that has already seen an accident dispersing plutonium throughout the underground and into the environment, contaminating 22 workers, and thus the site was functionally inoperable for years). All of this runs precisely counter to the core admonition of the previous administration’s Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future (“BRC”) that “consent” come first.

The waste will not be going anywhere for years and it should be incumbent on Congress to fix problems in a meaningful fashion, not attempt an expedient solution that is destined to fail, again.

Our concerns, many of which were detailed above or in earlier letters, remain. We would be pleased to work with any representative on a feasible, constructive path forward, but this legislation would put the nation’s nuclear waste storage policy on the wrong track yet again and we urge you to reject it. Thank you for your consideration of our views.  





Alliance for a Green Economy

Alliance for Environmental Strategies

Alliance to Halt Fermi 3

Baltimore Nonviolence Center

Basin and Range Watch

Bellefonte Efficiency & Sustainability Team; Mothers Against TN River Radiation

Beyond Nuclear

California Communities Against Toxics

Cape Downwinders

Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility

Citizen Action New Mexico

Citizen Power

Citizens Awareness Network

Citizens’ Environmental Coalition

Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping

Citizens’ Resistance at Fermi 2 (CRAFT)

Clean Water Action

Coalition for a Nuclear Free Great Lakes

Code Pink: Women for Peace

Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety

Concerned Citizens for SNEC Safety

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

Council on Intelligent Energy & Conservation Policy
Crabshell Alliance

CT Coalition Against Millstone

Don’t Waste Arizona

Don’t Waste Michigan

Ecological Options Network (EON)

Energía Mía

Energy Justice Network

Environmental Defense Institute

Environmental Working Group

Fairmont, MN Peace Group

Food & Water Watch

Frack Free Illinois

Franciscans for Justice

Friends of the Earth

Georgia Women's Action for New Directions (Georgia WAND)

Grandmothers Mothers and More for Energy Safety

Great Basin Resource Watch

Great Lakes Environmental Alliance

Green State Solutions, Iowa

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action

Hip Hop Caucus

Hudson River Sloop Clearwater

Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

Indigenous Rights Center

Indivisible South Bay Los Angeles

Kawartha lakes land trust

League of Conservation Voters

League of Women Voters of the United States

LEPOCO Peace Center

Los Alamos Study Group

Mankato Area Environmentalists

Merrimack Valley People for Peace

Michigan Safe Energy Future, Kalamazoo MI Chapter

Michigan Safe Energy Future, Shoreline Chapter

Michigan Stop the Nuclear Bombs Campaign

Milwaukee Riverkeeper

Missouri Coalition for the Environment

Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment

Native Community Action Council

Natural Resources Defense Council

Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force

New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution

No More Fukushimas

No Nukes NW

North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE)

North American Water Office

Northwest Environmental Advocates

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Nuclear Energy Information Service

Nuclear Free World Committee; Dallas Peace and Justice Center

Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Nuclear Issues Study Group

Nuclear Watch New Mexico

Nuclear Watch South



On Behalf of Planet Earth

OurRevolution Ocala

Partnership for Earth Spirituality

Peace Action

Peace Action of Michigan

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Physicians for Social Responsibility – Chesapeake

Physicians for Social Responsibility – Kansas City

Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles

Physicians for Social Responsibility – Oregon

Physicians for Social Responsibility – San Francisco Bay Area Chapter

Pilgrim Legislative Advisory Coalition PLAC

Pilgrim Watch

Planet Cents

Portsmouth/Piketon Residents for Environmental Safety and Security (PRESS)

Proposition One Committee

Public Citizen

Public Health and Sustainable Energy (PHASE)

Public Watchdogs

Rachel Carson Council

Radiation and Public Health Project

Radiation Truth

Redwood Alliance

Residents Organized for a Safe Environment


ROAR (Religious Organizations Along the River)

Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center

Safe Utility Meters Alliance NW (SUMA-NW)

San Clemente Green

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace

San Onofre Safety

Save The River / Upper St. Lawrence Riverkeeper

Seacoast Anti-Pollution League

Sierra Club

Snake River Alliance

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy

Southwest Research and Information Center

Stand Up/Save Lives Campaign

Straits Area Concerned Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment (SACCPJE)

SUN DAY Campaign

Support and Education for Radiation Victims (SERV)

Sustainable Energy & Economic Development (SEED) Coalition

Task Force on Nuclear Power, Oregon and Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

Tennessee Environmental Council 

Tewa Women United

Texas River Revival 

The Colorado Coalition for Prevention of Nuclear War

The Lands Council

The Nuclear Resister

The Peace Farm

Thomas Merton Center

Three Mile Island Alert

Toledo Coalition for Safe Energy

Touching Earth Sangha

Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment)

Uranium Watch

Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk, U.S. Province

UUFHC (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Harford County)

Vermont Citizens Action Network

Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance

Veterans For Peace Golden Rule Project

Veterans For Peace Chapter 74

Western States Legal Foundation

West Valley Neighborhoods Coalition

Youth Arts New York


No Yucca Money in 2018 Omnibus, House’s Top Energy Appropriator Says


NIRS action alert -- Tell Trump: Don't Spend Another Dime on Yucca Mountain!

As posted at the NIRS website.

Please take action!


Congress Poised to Skip Funding Yucca Nuke Dump Again This Year