Please sign-on to the coalition letter to Halt the Rocky Mountain Greenway, through the previous buffer zone of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant in Colorado, which is still contaminated with plutonium and other radioactive hazards

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I recently received the following action alert from Christopher Allred at Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center in Boulder, Colorado. It has to do with the plutonium contaminated land near the former Rocky Flats nuclear weapons production facility near Boulder. He asked for help in spreading the word. Please consider signing on, in the name of your group, business, or even as an individual. The final deadline for signing on will likely be in the beginning of April, 2021. Please spread the word to your networks. Thank you!
---Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear & Don't Waste Michigan
Action alert email from Christopher Allred at Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center:
Thank you for supporting our sign-on letter in 2018 to Halt Recreation at Rocky Flats. Could you please review our new sign-on letter to Halt the Rocky Mountain Greenway? We would be grateful for any help to spread the word to colleagues. Thank you for your time and consideration.
The Rocky Mountain Greenway is a proposed mountain biking path, intended to go through the previous buffer zone of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant. The Rocky Flats area is still widely contaminated with plutonium, americium and other contaminants. In the best interest of public health, the area must not be open for public recreation.
There is precedent with local governments and school districts to oppose recreation at Rocky Flats. In 2016 the Town of Superior unanimously rejected the Rocky Mountain Greenway project. In 2017 and 2018, 7 local school districts representing nearly 300,000 students in the region, joined in solidarity to ban field trips to Rocky Flats. In October 2020, the Broomfield City Council voted unanimously to withdraw their participation in the Rocky Mountain Greenway project. We urge other city governments to make the same commitment to protect public health and safety.
Chris Allred
Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
(Additional info. from Chris:
The final deadline [for sign on] will probably be in the beginning of April, that's when we anticipate this subject will be addressed by the Boulder City Council and other local governments. We're looking to conduct outreach well in advance with multiple waves of follow-up to build as much influence as possible. It is for groups, businesses, individuals and elected officials. All fields of requested info are outlined in the google form at this link: sign-on letter to Halt the Rocky Mountain Greenway.)