





Radioactive Waste - France

The French reliance on nuclear energy has created a mountainous and unsolved radioactive waste problem. One million gallons of liquid radioactive waste is discharged annually into the English Channel. At least 80 metric tons of plutonium are stored in hundreds of vulnerable containers at the La Hague reprocessing site. There is no operating high-level waste repository. And so-called intermediate and low-level radioactive waste dumps are leaking, including in the important Champagne region.


Entries from September 1, 2011 - September 30, 2011


Explosion at French radioactive waste incinerator and "recycling" facility kills one, injures several

News is coming in about an explosion at Marcoule, a nuclear processing plant in southern France. One worker has died and four have been injured according to official reports. The explosion appears to have occurred in a furnace at Marcoule in a radioactive waste treatment plant at the Centraco center which is owned by Socodei, a subsidiary of EDF. Beyond Nuclear is following developments. Officials claim there has been no release of radioactivity although reports say there is a possibility for releases. Given "official" statements during the French Tricastin accident and, of course, Fukushima, Beyond Nuclear is conferring with colleagues in France to learn more and break through any opacity. Marcoule processes radioactive waste. It is also the site of a MOX (mixed oxide plutonium-uranium) fuel manufacturing facility - MELOX.