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France inks reactor deal with India making further mockery of NPT

Against the wishes of the thousands of local residents who will bear the radioactive risks, India has agreed a deal with France's state-run nuclear group Areva to buy two reactors for a new plant in Jaitapur in the western state of Maharashtra. The ultimate plan is for a 10,000 MW nuclear power plant. The first two reactors - the French-designed EPRs - put the French at the head of the race to make nuclear trades with India. Flouting the terms of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which states that non-signatories cannot get foreign support in developing nuclear power - the U.S., France and Japan have been  in eager negotiation with India. Meanwhile, demonstrations in Jaitapur by villagers, farmers and fishermen continue. One Indian nuclear official even avowed that "whatever comes out of the nuclear power plant, is not a waste."