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Hurricane Sandy: Contact Beyond Nuclear for insight on reactor vulnerability

As Hurricane Sandy lashes the east coast of the US, concerns have been raised about the status of both operating and shut down nuclear power plants in its path. In the light of the devastating effects of the tsunami on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors in Japan, there remain many questions about the capacity of U.S. plants to withstand severe weather impacts and potential loss of electrical power.

For reporters interested in knowing more about the risks faced by the public living around nuclear plants in the path of Sandy, and about the potential for technical failure at reactors, from malfunction to meltdown, Beyond Nuclear experts are available for interview and consultation.

Please contact: 

Paul Gunter, Director of Reactor Oversight, 301.523.0201. Paul has expertise on all aspects of reactor operation and technical failures, as well as threats to public safety (including evacuation challenges.)

Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist, 240.462.3216. Kevin has expertise on all aspects of radioactive waste, particularly the vulnerability of reactor fuel pools and onsite waste casks during severe weather events and loss of power at nuclear plants.

Bloomberg has listed the potentially affected reactors here.