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Were you outraged??

We’re outraged. And we expect you were, too. On April 23, 2012, the Washington Post editorial board writers callously dismissed the Fukushima nuclear disaster as “non-catastrophic.”

The Post advocated the continued use of nuclear energy and dismissed Germany's green revolution as an "anti-nuclear frenzy," while omitting inconvenient deal-breakers such as cost, waste, safety, health risks and human rights. The paper taunted Germany and Japan - and the anti-nuclear movement - for looking to renewables but misrepresented Germany’s successes. And they utterly ignored those who have already paid the price for the nuclear fuel chain, like indigenous uranium miners, and its newest victims, the children of Japan whose future has been stolen. You can review the original editorial here. 

Tell the Washington Post what you think!  We're fighing back. Please forward our alert and reference our longer rebuttal document. Write to the editorial board at The Washington Post, 1150 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 20071-0001. Or contact the editorial page editor, Fred Hiatt at or 202-334-7281. You can also contact the Ombudsman, Patrick Pexton, at

But it's not only the Washington Post editorial board that seems unable, or even unwilling, to learn the lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe (yes, it is a catastrophe, one that will continue to unfold forevermore, given the hazardous persistence of Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu-239, etc.). The U.S. nuclear power industry, and its friends at the NRC, Capitol Hill, and White House also seem unable, or unwilling, to learn. Which invites catastrophe here, as we have 31 GE BWR Mark Is and IIs, of identical or very similar design to Fukushima Daiichi Units 1-4.