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Urgent Action on unreliable Mark I and Mark II containments: Request Commissioners to support the installation of filtered vents

Chairwoman Allison M. Macfarlane

Commissioner Kristine L. Svinicki

Commissioner William D. Magwood, IV

Commissioner William C. Ostendorf

Commissioner George Apostolakis,

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC 20555-0001

By email: Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook

I write to you in an appeal to promote the protection of the public health and safety in communities surrounding the thirty-one (31) General Electric Mark I and Mark II Boiling Water Reactors similar to those that exploded and melted down at Fukushima Daiichi, Japan on March 11, 2011.

In the coming weeks, the Commission will be voting on whether or not to affirm the NRC staff’s professional judgment (SECY 2012-0157) to require by Order that the operators of these vulnerable reactors install on their containment structures a severe accident capable hardened vent with a high-capacity radiation filter.

I urge you to support the installation of the filtered vent on all Mark I and Mark II reactor containments.

Thank you