Community forum brings activists and medical professionals together to support direct delivery of KI around US nuclear power plants

Beyond Nuclear and The Alliance To Halt Fermi-3 held their first community forum in Monroe, Michigan in support of the American Thyroid Association's (ATA) call for the pre-distribution of potassium iodide (KI) by direct delivery to all residents within 50-miles of US nuclear power stations which includes the Fermi-2 nuclear power plant in southeastern Michigan. The ATA further recommends that KI be stockpiled out to 200 miles from atomic reactors. The program featured Paul Gunter with Beyond Nuclear, Kim Lindquist with Monroe Community College Dean of Health Services and Director of Nursing and Dr. Bushra Kazmi, who currently oversees the Infection Prevention program at Garden City Hospital and works on emergency planning with the State of Michigan. The forum provided the community an opportunity to address many of the (frequently asked questions (FAQ) about KI and the need to expand emergency planning.