"Left in the dust: AREVA’s radioactive legacy in the desert towns of Niger"
This May 2010 Greenpeace International report focuses on uranium mining impacts in Niger. In one of the poorest countries in the world, ranking last in the Human Development Index of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), where more than 40% of children are underweight for their age, water and access to improved water sources is scarce and almost three quarters of the population are illiterate, the French nuclear giant AREVA extracts precious—and deadly—natural resources, earning billions for its Fortune 500 corporation, and leaving little behind but centuries of environmental pollution and health risks for the citizens of Niger. Beyond Nuclear colleague Bruno Chareyron -- of the independent French radiological testing laboratory CRIIRAD -- contributed to this report. So did Rianne Tuele, Energy Campaigner with Greenpeace Africa/International, currently based in Johannesburg, who spoke at an anti-uranium mining summit in Richmond, Virginia in early 2010.