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350.org: Water protectors under attack [call/Tweet White House now]

Yesterday, the National Guard and State Police raided one of the peaceful resistance camps at Standing Rock. Can you call the White House at (202) 456-1111 and tell President Obama to send Justice Department observers immediately and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline?



Yesterday, the National Guard and State Police raided one of the peaceful resistance camps at Standing Rock.

This frontline camp set up over the weekend along the Dakota Access Pipeline path was cleared by hundreds of heavily militarized police. For months, peaceful actions along the pipeline route have been met by a large police presence – but yesterday's events were different than anything before. 

At least 141 water protectors were arrested after law enforcement used pepper spray, tasers, batons and rubber bullets to forcibly remove those defending sacred land and water. These brutal police tactics are dehumanizing, uncalled for, and a threat to the First Amendment rights of people protecting their land, water and climate from Big Oil.

Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 and ask President Obama to send Justice Department observers immediately and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The original camps near the pipeline route – Oceti Sakowin, Sacred Stone, and Red Warrior – are standing strong. While yesterday’s events were shocking and painful, the spirit and determination of those of the front lines is unwavering.

If completed, this pipeline would carry toxic fracked oil from North Dakota under the Missouri River, immediately upstream from the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. It is not only a threat to the Native communities nearby, but a disaster for the climate.

Click here to send a tweet @POTUS urging him to step in and stop Dakota Access.

President Obama has the power to stop this project by denying the pipelines’s final federal permit. Over 200 tribes are united in opposition to Dakota Access, more than 300 people have been arrested while peacefully resisting, and numerous leaders from Jesse Jackson to Bernie Sanders have come out in support of the Standing Rock Sioux and the #NoDAPL fight.  

We know that the fossil fuel industry has enough coal, oil and gas in their existing mines and wells to push the planet past the red lines of climate safety. Dakota Access is just one symbol of their recklessness -- and the only option left is to stop building any new fossil fuel projects, and fully invest in 100% renewable energy for all.

Water protectors in Standing Rock are defending their rights, their land, and the climate. President Obama should stand with them. 

Tell President Obama to respect the rights of these water protectors and the climate. Call the White House now.

In solidarity, 
