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CREDOaction: Tell President Obama: Stop the Dakota Access oil pipeline. #NoDAPL

Update from CredoAction:

Amazing. More than 300,000 CREDO members have joined you in signing our petition urging President Obama to stop the Dakota Access pipeline. Thousands more have called the White House and rallied around the country urging President Obama to intervene.

But last week, militarized law enforcement arrested more than 140 people peacefully resisting the pipeline’s construction, which could be finished within a few short weeks. We need President Obama to intervene now before the construction of this dangerous fracked-oil pipeline moves forward.

Can you help spread the word to build even more grassroots opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline?

Click here to share this action with your friends and family via email, Facebook, or Twitter. Or just forward the e-mail below.

Thank you for being part of the fight to stop the Dakota Access pipeline.

- Josh

P.S. You can go directly to our petition to President Obama by clicking here.