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Greenpeace: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline event in Washington, DC

Action alert from Cora Karamitsos, Grassroots Campaigns, Greenpeace USA:

Two big things happened this week. First, Dakota Access Pipeline builders inched even closer to the Missouri River and vowed to complete construction on the project in the next two weeks.

Second, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States.

Both of these things are not only catastrophic for our climate — they also mean we need to step up and take action like we haven’t before to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

If you’re like me, you’ve been taking every chance you get to raise your voice in solidarity with the water protectors fighting the construction of the pipeline. A Donald Trump presidency does not mean the end of that fight — it’s still up to President Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline before he leaves office.

On Tuesday, hundreds will gather in Washington DC to demand President Obama step in and stop the pipeline. And I want you to be one of them.

Thousands have already pledged to take action next week. Don’t be left out — RSVP today!

Police have taken shocking and inhumane measures against Indigenous protectors in Standing Rock as they peacefully defend their land and water. They’ve used tear gas, sound cannons, concussion grenades, armored vehicles, and rubber bullets. They’ve shot horses. They’ve detained people in dog kennels and marked them with numbers on their bodies.

We cannot stand for that.

The Army Corps of Engineers — part of the Obama administration — has the power to approve or deny the final permit needed to complete the pipeline. That’s why it’s crucial the Army Corps of Engineers hears from us: if this permit doesn’t go through, it could mean the end of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Will you join us as we take to the streets and say #NoDAPL? RSVP today!

We know that elections and individuals alone don’t create change — movements do. That’s why we must continue to stand with Indigenous leaders until their sovereignty is honored, their rights are protected, and all our communities' water and climate matter more than fossil fuel profits.
Don’t miss this chance to change the course of the Dakota Access Pipeline fight. RSVP for the day of action today!

In solidarity,

Cora Karamitsos
Grassroots Campaigns, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Thousands of people around the world will take action to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline next week, and I want you to be one of them. Join me as we show Standing Rock activists that DC stands with them! RSVP here.