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Protests Against Dakota Access Pipeline Planned for Nov. 15 in 100+ Cities Worldwide

H15 dapl protests

Tomorrow, actions are planned at dozens of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers offices and other government buildings in more than 100 cities worldwide, demanding the Obama administration stop the Dakota Access pipeline. Meanwhile, the head of Energy Transfer Partners, Kelcy Warren, has said he’s "100 percent" confident Trump will support the completion of the Dakota Access pipeline. Warren donated more than $100,000 to Trump’s campaign, while Trump has between $500,000 and $1 million invested in Energy Transfer Partners. This is Warren speaking on CBS.

CBS reporter: "Once he takes over, January 20th, what are the prospects?"

Kelcy Warren: "Oh, it’s 100 percent."

CBS reporter: "A hundred percent that?"

Kelcy Warren: "That the easement gets granted and the pipeline gets built."

CBS reporter: "Have you spoken to Donald Trump about the pipeline?"

Kelcy Warren: "I’ve never met the man."

CBS reporter: "You’ve never met him?"

Kelcy Warren: "No."

CBS reporter: "But he’s invested in you, and you’re invested in him."

Kelcy Warren: "Well, I wish him well."

(As reported by Democracy Now!)