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Standing Rock Water Protectors need your help -- Call President Obama!

Water protectors attacked with tear gas

Food & Water Watch has issued the following action alert: The situation in Standing Rock, North Dakota is escalating. In the last week, militarized police from five states used pepper spray, tasers, rubber bullets and sound grenades to break up peaceful Native American water protectors and their allies standing in the path of the Dakota Access Pipeline. I'm hearing horror stories from people on the front lines that make me sick - the violence is unacceptable.

We can't allow a private oil and gas corporation to build a dirty pipeline through sacred indigenous lands, put key waterways at risk and keep us addicted to climate-changing fossil fuels. We must all stand against the injustices against Native peoples and their allies.

Call 877-559-7809 to tell President Obama to protect Native communities and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

[Also see Beyond Nuclear's Human Rights website section for additional news updates and action alerts re: the Dakota Access Pipeline resistance at the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation.]