« Expert: Army Corps Assessment of Dakota Access Pipeline was "Seriously Deficient" | Main | North Dakota: Pipeline Company Says It Will Soon Begin Drilling Despite Lack of Permit »

Today's Midwest Energy News headlines/links re: the Dakota Access Pipeline

• The Dakota Access pipeline developer is not slowing down construction of the project through contentious parts of the route, even as federal regulators have not signaled that the line will be able to proceed. (Reuters)
• North Dakota regulators are proposing a $15,000 fine on the Dakota Access pipeline developer for not getting approval to continue construction after artifacts were found. (Associated Press)

[Please note that President-elect Donald J. Trump is personally invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, or more. Also, one of his top energy advisors -- even rumored to be a leading contender in the running for Trump's nomination for Energy Secretary in the new administration --- is a leading figure in the development of the Dakota Access Pipeline project.]

[And in closely related news...]

• Incumbent Republican Chris Nelson fended off Democratic challenger and clean energy supporter Henry Red Cloud to retain his seat on the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission. (KSFY)

[The SD PUC has oversight on oil pipeline development -- the Dakota Access Pipeline would pass through SD, as well as ND, IA, and IL.]