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This fall: Stop DAPL and Big Oil [Power Shift Network action alert]

Action Alert from Power Shift Network:


October could be a pivotal month for resistance against the Dakota Access oil pipeline.

Somewhere in Washington D.C., an Army Corps of Engineers official is preparing to make the decision as to whether to enforce proper review of the pipeline. On the banks of the Missouri River, the Sacred Stone Camp is preparing for the cold North Dakota winters. And on campuses around the country, students are making plans to take action.

Whether you can raise a ruckus to resist a local pipeline, or raise awareness about the Dakota Access fight, the time is now.

Today, I’m excited to announce a new Stopping Dakota Access and Enbridge Toolkit, designed to help you do just that!

The new toolkit has three parts:

  1. Immediate Actions: Educate yourself, raise awareness on your campus, and collect petitions to encourage a local figure of authority to publicly oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline.

  2. Stand In Solidarity: Plan a trip to literally stand with Standing Rock at the camps in North Dakota over your Fall Break! (Or any other weekend). Check out the toolkit resources on cultural sensitivity, planning, and more.

  3. Bring It Home: Stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline ultimately means stopping the exploitative and oppressive companies that own it, like Enbridge Energy. By eroding the capacity, financial resources, and social legitimacy of these companies, we can do our part in dismantling the problem at its root, and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

I’m excited to see where these resources take each of our campuses and communities. The #NoDAPL movement has permanently redefined what pipeline resistance can be, and what we can accomplish.

Young people have been and will continue to be at the forefront of these fights. Our generation refuses to be cursed with inheriting crumbling and poisonous pipelines.

Click here to read through our brand-new Stopping Dakota Access and Enbridge the toolkit—it's full of resources and information about how you can engage your community!

In solidarity,

Akilah Sanders-Reed
Oil Free Organizer
Power Shift Network

PS— I’ll be sending out more information about ways you can take action against Enbridge and the Dakota Access pipeline soon. If you want to be the first to hear about opportunities to act—on the frontlines or in your community—you should sign up for the Pipeline Resistance Rapid Response Team by clicking here!