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"We are calling for emergency actions all over the world. PLEASE, THIS IS OUR LAST STAND." 

Find a rally happening near you tonight — just select today’s date on the calendar and scroll down to find an event near you.

The Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock is asking us all to join emergency actions tonight in a "#NODAPL LAST STAND".

Yesterday the US Army Corps gave notice of intent to ditch the environmental impact review and allow the Dakota Access Pipeline to move forward anyway. This is outrageous!

Last Stand

Today Trump said "I haven't had one call" opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline. This after receiving over 100,000 public comments. It's time for us to get louder than ever before.

Whether or not you can rally tonight, our Native American brothers and sisters are also asking everyone to donate to the legal defense of water protectors facing intensifying repression.
Action alert from #GreenForAll, an initiative of The Dreams Corps:


Beyond an urgent moment of protest, tonight's actions are a time to connect to other struggles and think long-term movement building. We are in this for the long haul.

Click here to find a #NoDAPL rally happening near you tonight — just select today’s date on the calendar and scroll down to find an event near you.

In solidarity,

Josh Lynch
Director of Field Strategy, Green For All

P.S. WATCH Green For All Founder Van Jones call this "as big a civil rights moment as you're ever going to see". Read our statement on Trump's recent executive order on the Dakota Access Pipeline.