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Emergency rallies against DAPL, beginning today, continuing in the days/weeks ahead!

Find the protest action(s) nearest you:


As but two examples, highlighted by Friends of the Earth via the Resist Trump Network, today, Wednesday, February 8, there will be an action at the White House in Washington, D.C. from 5-6pm Eastern, and also a day-long action at the federal building in San Francisco.

But there are many additional protest actions today, and in the days and weeks ahead, so check the #NoDAPL 2017 Action Hub for the date(s), time(s), and location(s) of protest action(s) nearest you. This site is also known as http://everydayofaction.org/

Another big one is one month from now, a Native Nations March on Washington, D.C. on Friday, March 10th:

As announced by Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chairman, Dave Archambault II:
  • A Native Nations march on Washington is scheduled for March 10. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and tribes across the country invite allies in America and from around the world to join the march.
"We ask that our allies join us in demanding that Congress demand a fair and accurate process," Archambault II said. "Our fight is no longer at the North Dakota site itself. Our fight is with Congress and the Trump
administration. Meet us in Washington on March 10."

See the full Standing Rock Sioux Tribe press release.