Human Rights

The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights. While some of our human rights news can be found here, we also focus specifically on this area on out new platform, Beyond Nuclear International.



Trump dumped his stock in the Dakota Access pipeline owner over the summer

As reported by the Washington Post.

While that may decrease the conflict of interest in one direction, it does not in the other.

As the article reports:

Although he has sold his stake, Trump has been the recipient of generous political contributions from Energy Transfer chief executive Kelcy Warren.

Warren this year has made $1.53 million in campaign contributions to super PACs and $252,300 to individual campaigns and the GOP, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. In June 2015, he gave $5 million to Opportunity and Freedom PAC, which supported Rick Perry’s presidential campaign. The Trump Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee that includes Trump’s campaign, the Republican National Committee and some state parties, received a $100,000 contribution from Warren on June 29.


Dakota Access pipeline protesters vow to continue, despite threat of more dousing with hoses 


AlterNet: Why I’m Going to Standing Rock for Thanksgiving

Now is an important time to stand together and become the America we are meant to be. As reported at AlterNet.


CodePink: What we're doing tomorrow…

This update from CodePink:


Dear Friend--

Thanksgiving is a day when many of us will be spending time with our families and giving thanks for what we have. While it is celebrated in the US as a national holiday, we should also remember its painful history for Native American communities. This painful history continues until today, and we stand in solidarity with the indigenous folks who are resisting the ongoing colonization of their land.

We are thankful for the many donors who gave so we could support the construction of a community center and mobile kitchen on the Standing Rock Reservation to serve as an all-weather central gathering place for those camped there. A team from CODEPINK will be in Standing Rock tomorrow, cooking and serving a Wopila Feast to thank 500 Native American Protectors for their courage in defending the water, land and their way of life.

While the Presidential election earlier this month may leave us feeling less than thankful, there are people-powered movements that have inspired us. From the Movement for Black Lives, to #NoDAPL, to the nationwide demonstrations against Trump’s hate, there is a revitalized protest movement growing in our country. The outpouring of energy being directed at the inauguration in January shows that peaceful people will be rising in opposition to hate from day one.

We hope during this difficult political time you’ll reflect with us on how we can come together, support each other, and build a movement for peace and justice. We believe that the peaceful response to this election needs to begin locally. How are you coming together with others in your community? Let us know, so we can share ideas among the many who are struggling to figure out what to do next. There are local events happening across the country, we can connect you to one near you or help you hold your own with our tool kit; don't hesitate to reach out.

Most of all, we are thankful for you – members and supporters of CODEPINK – who are out creating the world we want to see each and every day. We hope you’ll take tomorrow to recharge, reflect and regroup for the work ahead. We love and appreciate you and wish you a very happy, healthy day of thanks.

In solidarity,

Alice, Alli, Ariel, Chelsea, Ciara, Jodie, Mariana, Martha, Max, Medea, Nancy, Paula, Sam and Samira


Tune in to Democracy Now! on Thursday, Nov. 24 for a Standing Rock special

Democracy Now! will devote its entire show on Nov. 24th to Standing Rock. Democracy Now! also has an entire website section devoted to its comprehensive, ongoing coverage of the Standing Rock Sioux water protector resistance against the Dakota Access Pipeline.