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"Week of Yellow" actions to stop incineration of radioactive Fukushima waste

Tokyo Sit-inBeyond Nuclear joined with other citizens' groups to participate in the "Week of Yellow" (November 2-9, 2011), delivering 6000+ signatures on a petition to suspend the movement and incineration of radioactive waste from Fukushima, at Japan consulates and embassies around the world.

Consulates in New York, San Francisco and Munich, as well as embassies in London and Washington, DC, received the petition. The consulate in San Francisco and DC embassy also received a letter of concern from California citizens that incineration of wastes will travel across the Pacific to further contaminate the US West Coast. In Japan, several prefecture offices were also included. Enjoy the many pictures and videos of these events, including Beyond Nuclear at the DC Embassy. And stay posted to Beyond Nuclear for future actions!

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