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Stricter radiation protections set for school lunches than for the general food supply in 17 Japanese prefectures

The Asahi Shimbun has reported that Japan's federal education ministry has set a limit of 40 Becquerels per kilogram of food in school lunches at elementary and junior high schools -- one-fifth the "allowable" level set for certain food stuffs, and less than one-tenth the level set for certain other food stuffs. The article reports that the general food supply limits for radioactive contamination of drinking water, milk and dairy products is limited to 200 Bq/kg; 500 Bq/kg is "allowed" for vegetables, meat, fish and grains. The article also reports:

"The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is considering reducing the maximum tolerable levels of internal radiation from cesium in food from the current 5 millisieverts per year to 1 millisievert per year." 5 millisieverts equals 500 millirem, or 0.5 rem; 1 millisievert equals 100 millirem, or 0.1 rem.

"Allowable," "permissible," or "tolerable" does not mean "safe." It has long been established that any exposure to radioactivity carries a health risk, and that children are more susceptible than adults to such radioactivity risks. The article does not report what levels will be applied to high school students, nor does it say what children are to eat if all food violates standards.

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