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New book about Japanese mafia's role in Fukushima Daiichi aftermath

Tomohiko Suzuki, a journalist who worked undercover for over a month at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant last summer (see entry above), has just published a book on December 15th, detailing many of his experiences at the plant and connections between yakuza crime syndicates and the nuclear industry, titled "Yakuza to genpatsu" (the yakuza and nuclear power).

While the yakuza helped deliver food, medicine, and other vital supplies to populations cut off in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami last March, since there have been reports of the nuclear industry paying huge sums to the yakuza to recruit workers for the Fukushima Daiichi emergency operations. The yakuza have pressured people deeply in debt to take the jobs, and there are reports that "low level" workers at the destroyed nuclear plant are not paid very well at all for their very risky work, and the inevitable health impacts it will have on them in the future.

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